Chapter 10-5: Building Code28
10-5-5 Wood Roof Covering Materials Prohibited.
(a) No person shall install or cause to be installed any wood roof covering materials, including, without limitation, wood shakes or wood shingles. This prohibition includes wood roof covering materials with fire retardant treatments of any kind.
(b) It shall be a specific defense to a charge of violation of subsection (a) of this section that the wood roof covering materials were installed before January 1, 2014, to repair portions of an existing wood roof, that the repair wood roof covering materials were factory pressure treated so as to be fire retardant and are approved as meeting Class B standards in accordance with section 1501.1 of the building code, and that the wood roof covering materials were installed in a quantity not exceeding fifty percent of the roof surface in any three-hundred-sixty-five-day period.
(c) No person owning a building with wood roof covering materials shall fail to remove or cause to be removed from the building all wood roof covering materials before January 1, 2014, and to replace the removed roofing with approved roof covering materials which conform to the International Building Code as adopted, and no person shall thereafter take possession or ownership of a building with wood roof covering materials.
(d) The following additional definition applies to this section and to chapter 15 of the building code:
“Wood roof covering material” means an exterior surface material used as a top covering and made of wood. “Wood,” for the purposes of this definition, means any natural or composite material containing at least fifty percent wood by volume.
Ordinance Nos. 5645 (1994); 5693 (1995); 5781 (1996); 7566 (2007)
28 Adopted by Ordinance No. 4636. Amended by Ordinance Nos. 4722, 6015, 7304. Derived from Ordinance Nos. 4322, 4500.
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CIG Construction will provide a complementary no obligation estimate for a roof replacement. Your customized estimate is based on a basic 50 year GAF/Elk architectural shingle. We use state of the art Google Earth based aerial CAD to create your customized estimate.